English : Tumeric rhizome oroot
Urdu     : Haldi
Telugu : Pasupu
Description :
It is a tall perennial, herb  60-90 cm high white a short stem ,large long, lanceolate leaves in tufts and flowers in autumnal spikes. The rhizomes are large ,ovate, oblong or pyriform or cylindrical and often short branched. The round form is about half as broad as long , the long form 2.5 cm long and
about 1-1.8 cm thick , externally yellowish to yellowish brown with root scars and annulations , the latter from the scars of leaf bases. The internal colour varies from yellow to yellow -orange to orange ,waxy. Its odour is aromatic and taste also aromatic and bitter. When chewed, it colours the salvia yellow.
Action and uses:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Internally, it is expectorant, mild anti-spasmodic, aromatic ,carminative , stomachic , anthelmintic, styptic, deobstuent, anti- septic and blood purifier. It is used in cold, cough and bronchitis,brinchial asthma,haemoptysis ,dyspepsia, flatulent abdomen, threadworm infestation, in liver diseases, inliver diseases, gonorrohoea and skin diseases.
Externally, it is cleaning, desiccant, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. It is applied on contusions, bruises , foul ulcers ,small-pox and chicken pox eruptions and also ringworm ,eczema and other ecto-parasitic diseases.                                                                                                                                        Inhalation of the fumes from burning turmeric root is recommended in nasal catarrh and inhyterial fits.
Ibn sina’s View:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   It is a strong detergent. Chewing of the root is good for toothache. Useful in persistent jaundice due to obstruction.

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