English : Crescent legnum
Urdu : Nakhuna
Telugu __
Description :
Nakhuna is the fruit of a plant like fenugreek.It is also considered as a species of wild fenugreek.They contain small and round seeds.
Few authors consider lkil-ul-malik as Meliotus officinalis which is called ‘Zirir’ in Persian and ‘Aspurk’ in Hindi.This plant also has pods resembling Nakhuna.It is another species but can be used as a substitute.
Action and Uses:
Iklil-ul-malik or Nakhuna pods are resolvent,carminative,deobstruent,emollient,tonic and pain reliver.Internally it is used in gastric disturbances and flatulent abdomen,hepatosplenomegaly and metritis.It is also used in paralysis.Externally,it is applied as fomentation or poultice rheumatic pains,coliclky pains,piles and uterine troubles.Its decoction is used in enemas as astrigent,emollient and tonic to strengthen the intestines.
Ibn Sina’s view:
It is resolvent,attenuant,visceral tonic and maturative for inflammation.It is useful in secretory ulcers and otitis.On external application,it relieves earache and reduces anal and testicular swellings.

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