English : Pomegranate flower bud /Pomegranate flower
Urdu : Gulnar/Goolnar
Telugu : Dadim/Danimma
Description :
Pomegranate is a well-known wild as well as garden tree.There are many varieties. Some trees
produce small or big fruits, sour or sweet in taste with fast orange colour or white flowers.                                                                                                        There is one special variety of this tree, called male variety which is wild and fruitless but produces flower buds. These are known as Gulnar.
Action and Uses:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pomegranate flower buds are astrigent , styptic, desiccant and stomachic and as such used in nasal haemorrhage , haemoptysis, haematuria ,menorrhagia , chronic diarrhoea and dysentery ,leucorrhoea , blenorrohoea and bronchitis.                                                                                                Externally flower buds are used alone or with other astrigent drugs in bleeding gums as tooth powder and the powder is also sprinkled on mouth  ulcers , stomatitis and prolapse ani. Patient is directed to sit in the decoction of the drug in cases of prolapse ani bleeding piles
It is specifically used in cases of vitiligo with psoralea seeds to produce astrigent effect locally and to counteract against the excessive local irritating effect of Psoralea seeds.
Ibn Sina’s View:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Checks all discharges. Good for bleeding gum. Heals wounds and chronic ulcers. Strengthens loose teeth , prevents haemoptysis.Constipating and useful in intestinal ulcers , leucorrhoea and uterine bleeding.

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