Englsih : Iris root/Orris root
Urdu : Irsa/Sosun/Beikh-e-Sosun
Telugu : Pushkaramulamu
Description :
Iris ensata is a perennial, herb having stout and creeping rootstock, tufted upto 40-60 cm high, linear and greenish blue leaves and lilac or white flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Iris florentina, iris germanica and iris pallida, all are perennials and their rhizomes and irispallida , all are perennials and their rhizomes resemble each other and called orris root. They occur as hard cream-coloured, jointed or branched pieces, 5-10 cm long and 2-3 cm broad having an agreeable
aromatic odour and bitter taste. The flowers are of various colours i.e white,blue and violet according to the concerned species. The colour of the flower of Iris florentina is usually some what slaty or faintly bluish but often pure white.
Action and Uses:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Iris or Orris root is coctive, warming , stimulant, deobstruent,blood purifier, cathartic,expectorant , diuretic and emmenagogue.
It is used in paralysis, neurological disorders e.g paresis , loss of memory and tremors etc.
Coughs, hoarseness of voice bronchitis and bronchial asthma and also veneral diseases. It is also used to remove hepatic and bilious obstructions in jaundice and ascites, retension of urine and amenorrohoea.
It is applied as resolvent on chronic inflammations and hardenings and scrofula. It is used in power form as snuff in chronic sinusitis, nasal obstruction and headaches including migraine. It includes sneezing and nasal flow and gives relief.
IbnSina’s view:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It is warming , maturative, deobstruent and expectorant. It is useful in dirty wounds, chronic headache , cough , pneumonia and difficult breathing. Also useful in dropsy and gripping and in amenorrhoea.

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